Study Career Q&A
🤔 How do I fill out my ISP correctly? Which subjects should I take? How do I apply for an Erasmus?
🎓 The FEB services and Ekonomika are happy to answer your questions face-to-face, but at a safe distance, during the Study Career Q&A. Feel free to visit the College Van Premonstreit (CPR) and ask all your questions there.
🔵 Group 1 🔵
Thursday 20/9: 9:30-12:30
- Business Engineering / Business and Information Systems Engineering
- Management
- Schakels + MAR en MInfm
- Reorientation
- Incoming Erasmus students and incoming interuniversity students
🔵 Group 2 🔵
Thursday 20/9: 13:30-16:30 - Business Economics
- Economics
- Educatieve master
- Credit contracts
- Beleidseconomie
Please note that it can be useful to first check the FEB Student Portal ( You will already find a lot of information there. Didn’t find what you were looking for? Feel free to visit the Study Career Q&A or contact the FEBadvisor (