Applied Game Theory and Economics of InformationBecome a member of Ekonomika and get this book for only € 5.1
Advanced Microeconomics: Game Theory and Information Economics (SLIDES)
Analyse van de milieukwaliteitBecome a member of Ekonomika and get this book for only € 4.94
Analyse van de milieukwaliteit
Applications of statistics (SLIDES)
Business AnalyseBecome a member of Ekonomika and get this book for only € 16.18
Business Analyse (SLIDES)
Business Information SystemsBecome a member of Ekonomika and get this book for only € 12.83
Business Information Systems SLIDES
Externe financiële verslaggevingBecome a member of Ekonomika and get this book for only € 10.19
Externe Financiële Verslaggeving SLIDES
Requirements engingeeringBecome a member of Ekonomika and get this book for only € 9.92
Requirements engineering SLIDES
Wijsbegeerte en ethiekBecome a member of Ekonomika and get this book for only € 7.28
Wijsbegeerte en ethiek (reader)
Advanced EconometricsBecome a member of Ekonomika and get this book for only € 6.78
Advanced Econometrics (SLIDES)
Inleiding tot het Economisch RechtBecome a member of Ekonomika and get this book for only € 5.23
Inleiding tot het Economisch Recht (Reader)
Innovation Management and StrategyBecome a member of Ekonomika and get this book for only € 14.3
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