
We are happy to help you find a job!

Economika for companies

Ekonomika VZW offers various options for different parties to become partners.

Check it out here
Junior Supply Chain Consultant
Joos Consulting
Niel, België
Jobstudent voor verwerking van enquête–gegevens
KU Leuven
Leuven, België
Internship – Communicatie bij Volvo Service Market Logistics
Volvo Group
Marketing, communicatie en media
Oostakker, België
Op zoek naar een job of stage?

Neem dan eens een kijkje op Career Corner, het loopbaanplatform van de FEB en Ekonomika.

Ga naar Career Corner

Careertips in collaboration with myCareerCompanion

Step 1. Personal brand

What makes you unique and authentic and how do you communicate that to the outside world?

Step 2. Resume

How do you write a resume that stands out?

Step 3. Motivation letter

What makes a strong motivation letter?

Step 4. Social Media

What role does social media play in a job application?

Step 5. Applying

How do you show your strengths on a job application?

Step 6. Follow Up

What is the step after applying?