Home / Bedrijven / TOMRA Food


Branche Technology
Hoofdkantoor Leuven
Over TOMRA Food

Company Description

TOMRA Food is a multi-national organization and a leading provider of sensor based sorting and processing technology for the fresh and processed food industries. Developing state-of-the-art technologies, optimizing customers’ production flow, and helping to deliver consistent high quality output have been our strengths for more than 30 years in the food industry.
At TOMRA, we want people to innovate, exhibit passion in their work and be responsible. We encourage the freedom to innovate and take risks that result in breakthroughs that challenge the status quo. We thrive off passion that always focuses and commits to meeting success. We demand a responsible and safe mindset that takes care of our customers, products and fellow employees.

  • >=250 medewerkers
  • Indifferent
  • Opgericht in 1972
  • Bezoek website
  • Stages
  • Werk
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Contactpersonen van TOMRA Food
Maria Laura Arce
Functie Market Research Analyst
Stefaan Kennis
Functie Director of Strategy, Market Intelligence and Business Development

Galabal Ekonomika 2025