- Bij problemen kan je de form invullen.
- Fasevertegenwoordiger: Stef Vernelen
- Jaargroep: HIR(B) Class of 2026
- Advanced Analytics in a Big Data World
- Advanced Database Management and Content Management
- Architecture and Modelling of Management Information Systems
- Business analyse
- Energietechnologie en -economie
- Management controle en kostenbeheersing
- Operations Strategie
- Simulation Theory and Applications
- Software Architecture for Collaborative Systems
- Strategisch management
- Toepassing van operationeel onderzoek
- Toepassingen van statistiek
- Wijsbegeerte en ethiek
Minor 1: Information Systems engineering and management
Aanbevolen pakket:
- ICT Service Management
- Integrated Business Project/ Social Profit Project
- Project Management
- Stageproject (master)
- Technology Trends and Opportunities
- Web Information Systems
- Data Visualization
- Distributed Systems
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Industrial Internet Infrastructure
Minor 2: Data science
Aanbevolen pakket:
- Advanced Time Series Analysis
- Analysis of Large Scale Social Networks
- Computer Vision
- Information Retrieval and Search Engines
- Multivariate Statistics
- AI Ethics & Regulation
- Computer Vision
- Data Mining and Neural Networks
- Data Visualisation
- ICT-recht
- Sampling Theory
- Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Survival Data
- Survey Methodology
Minor 3: Technologie, innovatie en management
- ICTS Service Management
- Strategic Management of Technology
- Technology Entrepreneurship and New Business Development
- Technology Trends and Opportunities
Minor 4: Productie en logistiek
- Decision and Risk Analysis in Operations
- Project Management and Scheduling
- Quality Management
- Seminar Operations Management
Minor 5: Kwantitatieve marketing
Minor 6: Risk en Finance
aanbevolen pakket:
- Asset pricing and Financial Products
- Credit and Banking
- Risk Management in Financial Institutions
- Trading Exchanges
Vrije keuze
- Spaans II: algemeen economisch Spaans
- Duits II: algemeen economisch Duits
- Economisch Engels I
- Economisch Engels II
- Economisch Engels III
- Economisch Frans I
- Economisch Frans II
- Economisch Frans III
- Introductory Chinese Language: Essential Communication Skills
Keuzeopleidingsonderdelen: opleidingsonderdelen uit minors
- Advanced Time Series Analysis
- AI Ethics & Regulation
- Analysis of Large Scale Social Networks
- Asset Pricing and Financial Products
- Behavioral Economics
- Computer Vision
- Credit and Banking
- Data Mining and Neural Networks
- Data Visualisation
- Decision and Risk Analysis in Operations Management
- Distributed Systems
- Fundamenten van mens-machine-interactie
- Human-Computer Interaction
- ICT Service Management
- Industrial Internet Infrastructure
- Information Retrieval and Search Engines
- Loss Models
- Market Response Models
- Marketing Strategy Modelling
- Multivariate Statistics
- Project Management
- Project Management and Scheduling
- Quality Management
- Risk Management in Financial Institutions
- Sampling Theory
- Seminar Operations Management
- Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Survival Data
- Strategic Management of Technology
- Survey Methodology
- Technology Entrepreneurship and New Business Development
- Technology Trends and Opportunities
- Trading and Exchanges
- Web Information Systems
Keuzeopleidingsonderdelen: onderwijs
- Initiatiestage economie
- Leren in maatschappelijk betrokken onderwijs, deel 1
- Leren in maatschappelijk betrokken onderwijs, deel 2
- Vakdidactiek economie
- Vakdidactische toepassingen in economie
- Burgerschapsvorming
- Filosofie van de opvoeding en het onderwijs
- Filosofisch gesprek met kinderen en jongeren
- Jeugdcriminologie en jeugd(beschermings)recht
- Jongeren, onderwijs en kwetsbaarheid: service-learning binnen de educatieve master
- Media, innovatie en leren
- Onderwijsrecht
- Onderwijssociologie
- Sociale en culturele pedagogiek
- Theologie, religie en onderwijs