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- Fasevertegenwoordiger: Justine Nijs
- Jaargroep: HIR(B) Class of 2025
Minor: Accountancy en financieel management
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation
- International Accounting
- International Auditing Standards
- International Business Finance
- Introduction to Auditing and International Auditing Standards
- Praktijkcollege accounting
- Strategic Financial Management
Minor: Accountancy en auditing
- Belasting over de toegevoegde waarde, m.i.v. discussiecolleges
- Boekhoud- en jaarrekeningenrecht
- Deontologie van accountancy en revisoraat
- International Accounting
- Introduction to Auditing and International Auditing Standards
- Personenbelasting
- Praktijkcollege accounting
- Reporting for Banks
- Reporting for Insurance Companies
- Sociale wetgeving
- Vennootschapsbelasting, m.i.v. discussiecolleges
- Vennootschapsrecht, m.i.v. discussiecolleges
Minor: Finance
- Asset Prices: Basic Models and Tests
- Business Finance
- Credit and Banking
- Economics of Financial intermediation
- Financial Products
- Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation
- International Business Finance
- Loss Models
- Macro-Finance
- Risk Management in Financial Institutions
- Strategic Financial Management
- Trading en Exchanges
Minor: Actuariële en financiële wetenschappen
- Advanced Life Insurance Mathematics
- Data Science for Non-Life Insurance
- Financial Products
- Foundations of Quantitative Risk Measurement
- Fundamentals of Financial Mathematics
- Inleiding tot het verzekeringsrecht
- Life Insurance Mathematics
- Loss Models
- Reporting for Banks
- Reporting for Insurance Companies
- Risk Management in Financial Institutions
- Solvency of Financial Institutions
Minor: Marketing
- Behavioral Economics
- Brand Management
- Digital Marketing
- Global, B2B and Service Marketing
- Market Response Models
- Marketing Strategy Modelling
- Social Marketing
Minor: Productie en logistiek
- Decision and Risk Analysis in Operations Management
- Environmental and Transportation Economics
- Project Management and Scheduling
- Seminar Operations Management
- Simulation Theory and Applications
- Quality management
Minor: Data science en business analytics
- Advanced Analytics in a Big Data World
- Advanced Applied Econometrics
- Advanced Econometrics
- Advanced Time Series Analysis
- Applied Optimization
- Combinatorial Optimization and Local Search Techniques
- Data Mining
- Decision and Risk Analysis in Operations Management
- Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
- Machine Learning and Inductive Inference
- Multivariate Statistics
- Optimization: Special Topics
- Principles of Database Management
- Statistical Modelling
Minor: Industrie, global value chains en nieuwe technologieën
- Advanced Industrial Economics
- Advanced International Trade Theory
- Economics of New Technologies
- Global Value Chains
- Incentives and Behavior
- Network Industries and the Digital Economy
Minor: Onderzoek in economie
- Advanced Applied Econometrics
- Advanced Development Economics
- Advanced Industrial Economics
- Advanced International Trade Theory
- Advanced Labour Economics
- Advanced Microeconomics
- Advanced Macroeconomics I
- Advanced Microeconomics II
- Advanced Public Economics
- Advanced Time Series Analysis
- Dynamic Methods
Minor: Technologie en entrepreneurship
- Economics of New Technologies
- Network Industries and the Digital Economy
- Strategic Management of Techology
- Technology Entrepreneurship and New Business Development
- Technology Trends and Opportunities
Minor: International business, strategie en innovatie
- Applied Game Theory and Economics of Information
- Competitive Analysis and Strategy
- Economics of Global Innovation
- International Business Strategy
- International Management
- Political Business Strategy
- Strategic Management of Technology
Minor: Personeel en organisatie
- Arbeidsrecht en onderneming
- Management van personeelsstromen
- Organisatieontwerp
- Organizing in an International Context
- Performance Management
- Sociaal verantwoord ondernemen
Minor: Informatica voor handelsingenieurs
- Advanced Database Management and Content Management
- Architecture and Modelling of Management Information Systems
- ICT Service Management
- Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
- Principles of Database Management
- Simulation Theory and Applications
- Software Architectures for Collaborative Systems
- Systeemsoftware
Minor: Corporate Sustainability
- Interdisciplinary Assessment Project
- Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Economics
- Sustainable management
Minor: European Affairs Management
- European Institutions and Decision Making
- Interdisciplinary Assessment Project
- Lobbying in the European Union
- Policy Evaluation
- Policy, Economy, and Society
Minor: Predoctoraal traject
- Advanced Econometrics
- Advanced Industrial Economics
- Advanced Time Series Analysis
- Applied Game Theory and Economics of Information
- Combinatorial Optimization and Local Search Techniques
- Optimization: Special Topics
- Statistical Modelling
- Structural Equations
Minor: Onderwijs
- Begeleiding van keuzeprocessen in studie en loopbaan
- Burgerschapsvorming
- Doelgerichte communicatie en taakgericht werken met groepen in het onderwijs
- Education Economics
- Filosofie van de opvoeding en het onderwijs
- Filosofisch gesprek met kinderen en jongeren
- Groeien in leraarschap: perspectieven en dilemma’s
- Groepsdynamiek in schoolverband
- Ingroeistage economie
- Initiatiestage economie
- Jeugdcriminologie en jeugd(beschermings)recht
- Leer- en gedragsmoeilijkheden op school
- Leren in maatschappelijk betrokken onderwijs, deel 1
- Leren in maatschappelijk betrokken onderwijs, deel 2
- Motivatiepsychologie
- Onderwijsrecht
- Onderwijssociologie
- Psychologie van de adolescentie en de jongvolwassenheid
- Sociale en culturele pedagogiek
- Theologie, religie en onderwijs
- Vakdidactiek economie
- Vakdidactische toepassingen in economie
Vrije keuze
- Advertising
- Bedrijfsethiek
- Cases in innovatiemanagement
- Economische aspecten van de mededinging
- Energy Challenges
- Energy Markets and Regulation
- Entrepreneurial Finance
- Environmental and Transportation Economics
- Genderstudies
- Lessen voor de 21ste eeuw
- Organising for Entrepreneurship
- Spiritualiteit, leiderschap en professionele integriteit
- Studium generale: mens- en wereldbeelden
- Survey-onderzoek en opiniepeilingen
- The Foundations of Entrepreneurship
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